Sandy Hook Promise (SHP) is a national non-profit, non-partisan organization led by family members who lost loved ones at the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting in December of 2012. Since then they’ve developed programs to collectively expand their reach and sustain their work on educating and empowering young people to help prevent violence BEFORE it happens.
Take SAVE (Students Against Violence Everywhere) Promise Clubs (SPC), for instance. Collaboratively, both organizations help to prevent gun violence in high schools by teaching and empowering others - at no cost - how to identify, intervene and get help. SAVE chapters around the country are led by students for students, giving members the opportunity to lead the planning and execution of youth safety campaigns for their peers. SAVE Promise Club.
Create an interest and demand amongst High School students to join a club whose objective is to stop violence before it starts in as many schools as possible.
Create a marketing campaign that inspires students to engage and ultimately start a SAVE Promise Club at their respective high schools.
Students think there’s nothing they can do to stop the violence; the problem is too BIG. But if everyone does their part, together they can make a difference.
The best way to stop school violence before it starts is one small step at a time.